This is a great way for financial advisors to build and maintain relationships with their top clients. In the stock and financial world no gift is as useful as the ticker tape since it covers every aspect with respect to immediate updates and information display with respect to stock and investments. Moreover, advisors can gift their clients based on clients hobbies as well like gifting a client a fine French perfume if she loves fragrances.
A finance advisor is a person who helps clients with their finance and guides them into investing and saving schemes so that clients can make the most out of their hard earned money. Since finance advisors are wise people, they would also be expected to choose gifts wisely and rather creatively.
Christmas is round the corner and everyone is in their Christmas spirit. Near and dear and loved ones are exchanging gifts and it is no exception in the professional world. Finance advisors also send gifts to their clients to show them that they care! This is a great way for advisors to be remembered by clients and helps build advisor-client relationship.
These gifts are even more appreciated when they have something to do with client’s professions. If you want to gift something to an investor who constantly seeks updates, a Led Financial Ticker is a very useful gift to give him/her. Similarly, there are a few more gifts mentioned below that can show your clients that you care for them.
- Customize your gifts as per taste and likes of clients. Say, the client you are about to send gift to likes to drink wine. You can either send him a fancy crystal wine glass for him to enjoy his wine pegs in or you can send him a really old bottle of fine wine. Send such gifts even if you are not getting business out of the referral sent by client. This will help build a long lasting relationship.
- For passionate stock traders who seek stock updates regularly, a Stock Ticker display would be the ideal gift for such clients and will help them make more proactive decisions.
- Gifting a Financial Ticker display is very useful for new and budding investors since financial information is displayed as soon as any new information arrives at financial market. It will surely help your young clients stay up to date with the help of this ticker products high level of performance.
- If your client is involved in a lot of charity work, you are bound to impress him by making a donation to his favorite charity organization or one that you prefer but work with them personally to acknowledge client’s interest. This can be done if say, you are making a donation to a child welfare foundation. The kids in the foundation can make gift cards for your client telling him about your good deed.
- you do not have to just send gifts to give reminders to your clients for referrals. You can also send them gift cards thanking them for the referrals they have already sent you.
A led ticker tape is a very handy gift to give to any of your clients irrespective of their hobbies, tastes, likes and dislikes since this is an all purpose product. The ticker tape displays relevant information with respect to stock and finance instantly and its high performance standards is bound to cater to all your financial information needs.