Stock ticker tapes have a long history but currently, they have become extremely popular because of their agility and integration of state-of-the-art technology. The blog focuses on stock ticker tapes, their features, and applications.
If you have been watching television these days or visited any trading office, you would have definitely seen a series of baffling, numbers, arrows, and colored digits scrolling in front of you. These stripes displaying digits are stock ticker tape or LED financial ticker.
Although LED ticker tapes find myriad applications and can be used for displaying different types of information here we will be concentrating on the stock tapes which are commonly used in finance offices or trading companies where people have to keep a continuous check on the stock market.
We all know that the stock market is very dynamic and in order to keep people well-informed, it's very important that the information gets conveyed at the right and that too with a minimum time lag. Stock ticker tape came into existence in 1867 when the world first saw ticker tapes. These tapes consisted of information about the stock market which was printed on it. Ticker tape got its name from the word ticker which was the sound produced by the machine while printing the information on the tapes. Since the first time they came into use till today, ticker tapes have undergone massive changes.
We now have the digitized version of ticker tapes that work in real-time. The currently used tapes are also very dynamic; they display information and keep them up to date. The prime reason behind such effective functioning is the use of state-of-the-art technology.
Key features of Stock ticker tapes/ LED financial tickers:
They are a very popular and effective medium to disseminate information in one go. Since it’s visible to the masses the information gets broadcasted immediately. What makes stock ticker tapes useful are their key features:
- They are highly customizable product
- Visibility even from a longer distance
- Low maintained
- Energy efficient
- Robust design
- Can run for long hours that too without errors or flaws
Before you buy the LED financial, it's advisable to study the above-mentioned features and check whether the company offering you the stock ticker is providing the same or not.
Stock ticker tapes – from stock markets to schools and colleges
Stock ticker tapes have become a necessity today and their application is not merely restricted to the stock market rather they are being used in finance institutes and colleges. The stock ticker tapes are used to create a finance lab which helps in creating a perfect stock market ambiance within the premises and is used to teach students how the market function.
Such practical application of LED financial ticker prepares the students for real-life working scenarios and also trains them in the dynamism of the stock market. In the times to come stock ticker tape will definitely find myriads of applications, from the stock market to schools and colleges, LED stock tickers have become an indispensable part.