What is ticker tape?
The ticket tape which is also known as Electronic Ticker tape is a system that displays content in scrolling manner. It is used widely all over the world in stock markets, banks and other financial sectors. It has a large history. In the mid of 1860’s it was firstly introduced in stock market to display stocks information to traders and investors by making a print on a piece of paper with abbreviated company names & price. With advancement of technology, it has also been upgraded. The paper ticker is now been upgraded electronically as Led Ticker tapes and has plethora of features now-a-days.
What are the sectors using ticker tapes?
Although the usage of ticker tape display are more or less common in various domains but it is mostly used in financial sector such as business schools, brokerage firm, office, call centre, in public places such as airport, rail station, stock market etc. This device is perfect to scroll and stream real time data in one line display and thus it has become the necessity of those domains. Besides electronic ticker tape can attract new customers by providing them specific information on real time basis. Even the modern ticker tapes comes with an array of applications which makes it great to use. With the help of those applications, anyone can show any kind of logo or coloured message in a single line display.
Do you know why led ticker tapes have become so popular?
Led ticker tapes are in use widely all over the world for their flexibility. It can display information in real time that is why it has been seen in most news rooms now-a-days. Besides, it can be connected with newswire system such as BBC, CNN or Reuters to display news to customers in any office places. The led ticker tapes comes in various sizes which makes it easy to assemble and put them up. Also it is very easy to manage. Though it is almost automatic but if any changes are needed, it can be done through computer software or to update anything instantly, it can be connected with main system so that there is nothing need to do separately.
Good communication is always vital to business thus having a led ticker display can be a good idea. If you have a large company, staffs needs to communicate in a well-balanced manner and there a centralized round led ticker display can be the right thing for your company. In the past, there were no options to customize ticker tapes but now, you can have the authority. If you need to customize your ticker display either in hardware or software, you can ask for it with the led ticker manufacturing company. Besides, every ticker display comes with warranty which is a great thing. You can also increase the warranty period by paying a bit more amount of money. Now, if you need LED ticker tapes, it is the right time to go for it.