Tickerplay Systems
Tickerplay Systems

Tickerplay Systems is a pioneer in the field of led tickers. Led ticker tapes are the peak of elegance. Our led ticker tapes can be used on any suitable surface. Please go to our downloads section for a detailed installation instruction.
Tickerplay was founded on essential values and ethics, which aided us in developing excellent ideas and putting them into action on our goods. We are continuously conscious of the importance of maintaining excellent customer connections.
Our management, which is the heart of Tickerplay, instils in our staff a passion for customer satisfaction, creativity, and supreme motivation, ensuring that we are on level with any other Fortune 500 company! At Tickerplay, we are not only committed to our clients' businesses; we also place a great value on the responsibilities that come with providing high-end solutions to them. That is why, in such a short period of time, we have succeeded in making a reputation for ourselves where other significant players have failed.
We have a highly desirable and robust skilled workforce that has been fostered and recruited from the best universities throughout the world, bringing a degree of professionalism to their work technique approach.
Tickerplay's tickers come with the best in class 7 year guarantee and a life expectancy of more than 25 years, making them among the best in the market.
We provide a variety of customised cabinet solutions in any form or size. Tickerplay has been the customer's preferred ticker provider due to our best-in-class after sales and service assistance, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please visit ticker-models for additional information on our standard models
We employ the top engineers and developers in the industry, who are continually innovating and developing reliable products and custom solutions for our clients. We provide solutions to your issues!